About Us

The Kelpius Society originally formed in 1986. Two major projects were undertaken at that time. There was a re-creation of the music drama "The Power of Love" reconstructed from the Kelpius Community manuscript The Lamenting Voice of the Hidden Love (1705). This was performed at Combs College in Philadelphia with soprano Dolores Ferraro, baritone Keith Kirkner, and choir and small orchestra. Prepared and directed by Lucy Carroll.

A presentation was made in the glen itself for over 200 visitors from New York - members of a Rosicrucian group - about the glen, its focus, and the music; probably the first time that music had been heard in the glen since the community died out in the mid-1700s.

The Kelpius Society became inactive after a few years, and was restored in 2003 when three of the original officers formed a committee to acquire an authentic PHMC Historical marker for the Kelpius Site. Now new members are encouraged to join, for there is renewed interest on the part of the City and the historical societies.

The immediate plan is to create a walking path along the area, pointing out the possible sites of the garden, Tabernacle, Kelpius' hut, and orchard. Imagine: if someday we could restore the garden, orchard, and build a facsimile of Kelpius' cottage and the Tabernacle, the group's original meeting place! Many hands are needed, much help is sought. The goals of the original 1694 community of peace and brotherhood to all are as important today as ever before!

Please consider joining us. There is a membership form on the website.

The Kelpius Society Officers:

Thomas Carroll


Alvin Holm
Vice President

Pamela Fernsler
Recording Secretary

Carol Labelle
Corresponding Secretary

Joanne Kellerman

Del Conner
Chair of Site Committee

Jacquelin Brough
Chair of The
Communications Committee

Advisers to The
Kelpius Society:

David Orr
Temple University

Theresa Stuhlman
Fairmount Park Commission

Scott Wilds
Philadelphia Historical

Michael Showalter
Ephrata Cloister
Museum Educator

Honorary Member:

Dolores Ferraro